Monday, August 10, 2009

Hatred and Cruelty

Is he

As man is made to be…?

Man is God’s created being.
Being formed and shaped by God’s own hands.
Placed upon this turbulent land
As was foretold in the days of old
When darkness covered the face of the earth
As God hovered over the deep
And brought the light in birth
To separate the day from night
As He so stated in Isaiah 45:
I formed the light and create darkness…
I make peace (well-being) and create evil (calamity);
I am the Lord, Who does all these things
All that life brings.

As it stands in the shape of the human’s being,
Man was horned
And was born
To take his place upon the earth’s soil
In all as he presently exists.
Yet I recoil at the turmoil
When I dare to look and see
The extent of the hate and cruelty
Spread out in every direction, in every reflection
Here and there
In life
Causing deep bitterness and endless strife,
The mind set
And framed
In viciousness and spiteful revenging malice,
Murderous rage and slaughter’s callous.
Steeped and seeped in the desire on fire
To cause
With pause to enjoy
The distress of another
Man, child or mother, sister or brother.

Hate and cruelty
Are rampant, unbridled, and widespread as the wind.
In every space and place
Every stage and page
In the book of our life.
Even so by many of those in Christ.
In every city, every town
All around the globe
Everywhere upon which our feet have strode.
Neighbors rise against neighbors like hungry alligators
In a tempestuous storm brewing in the thick of night
Daring to wage the love of bloody warfare
Liken to crushing waves of sweltering, scalding waters
Crashing against shores of the sands of time
For the pleasure of bringing blistering grief
And searing sufferings of the cruelest kind.
By the act of creating havoc
And to spawn malignant terrorists raging through the streets
Screaming out in the prejudiced hostility
Of the ugly minded.
Those wishing to spark ill will
And to instill paralyzing fear
The clear objective so near and dear.
To cause tortuous pain to rain down
Like hot metal blades jutting deep into the flesh
As the jeers of the crowds cheer on
The wild boars bathing in mud
Thirsting for the bloody run of blood.
With the malicious forethought
And purpose being…
Brutality and cruelty!
The only reality
Of the devilish brute
Basking in the sinister game of
Who can create the most hate!
He who is
Hell bent on shackling the arms and legs to iron pegs
And breaking the bare bones
In twos
Of the many blends of blues and hues
This cancerous disease
Of ugly hate
To eat away,
To utterly destroy,
Another or any other
Or elsewhere - Nowhere
When in a time
The upshot of fate
Or perhaps just plain ole
Self -Hate,
Failed to be
Placated, eradicated
Or otherwise
The weight of the unbalanced beams
Of hateful animosity, pomposity, religiosity, superior-osity,
Enmity's devices,
And hard-heartedness,
Conjoined with the willingness to vilify and trounce over
Mercilessly - To beastly proportions
With deceitful cunnings crafted in venomous potions
And thereby
Producing death to the soul,
Deterioration of the mind,
And degeneration of the spirit
Of personal self,
Mental health,
Spiritual wealth

Of who - Or him and her
Because what - And when
A circumstance caused a condition
For instance…
An incident was seen or heard,
Or somebody’s word
With temperament and discontent over what was or wasn’t meant
Skewering fact or fiction
To multiply the situation
And so provocation
Led to inflammation,
Swelling to profane - To detest, abhor, Loathe.
A state of a being of what most would
Likened to whatever
Feathers flocked together.
Who could care less if you die!
Not I! Says the evil eye.
When one is consumed with the need
For the leading power and bleeding desire, the breeding ground found
To bring about horrific events
By hideous means
And by the crafty guile and conspiracy schemes of bully boys’ teams
Banded to conspire, to plot, to man, to plan
Destruction to the spine
To the mind
Of the kind
That breaks down the will
And kill
That which gives sacred life
Banished with the skill
Of the surgeon’s knife
To the brain.
To defame,
And meant - With all intent
To cause unspeakable pain - And shame
By lying waste all that is to gain.
And by deploying the actions - Of indifference
Having savagery a trusted ally
Marked by
Ferocious temperament
Set in the defects - In the inner soul
To validate the fate - Of the product of hate.
By he who is honored to be the villain.
Willing to be the devil’s advocate
To create and cause havoc
At evil’s demands and commands
With the utter and absolute contempt
For all other than who is not you.

I look upon the hate sheathing earth in a suffocating,
insulating mad allegory

As being set in the genre of a horror story
The warring factions throughout history
Are forever and ever brewing and stewing
In the pot of denigrations and degradations
From generations to generations.
The plot of lies and evil tales
Swells in the thickening, quickening, sickening fumes
Massed in the air - Where hungry buzzards circulate
And wait for the rot of flesh to burn at the stake.

And this creation of hateful religious creatures
From far and wide
Hide under the shadows of death’s door
Opened over the pit of shit.
They are some of the worst.
And they think they’re going to be first
When they are like an abominable puss-riddled curse.
These are the people who say,
God says I should hate you.
God says I should disgrace you, deface you, discredit you, shame you,
Defame you, despise you, deride you,
Look down on you, spurn you, burn you, scorn you, horn you,
mock you, knock you,

Ridicule you, disparage you, embarrass you,
And cast you out into the street like bad meat.
God says I should burn your house down to the ground.
God says I should vilify you
And terrify you, and crucify you
Because you don’t do as I say do.
You’re not a member of my crew.
You stepped over the line I drew.
You drink of the witches brew.
‘Cause you’re black and I’m blue,
Or whoever who.
God hates you
And I do too.

What crap!
You are such a sad sap.
In all truth of God,
You have no clue.
You’re not only clue-less,
You are truth-less,
And downright foolish.

In the book of James,
It reads…”Who is there among you is wise and intelligent?
Then let him by his noble living
Show forth his works with the humility
Which is the attribute of true wisdom.
Where there is jealousy, envy and contention, rivalry,
And selfish ambition
There will also be confusion, unrest, disharmony, rebellion
And all sorts of evil and vile practices….
But the wisdom from above is first of all
Pure (undefiled);
Then it is peace-loving,
Courteous, considerate, gentle.
It is willing to yield to reason,
Full of compassion and good fruits…”

For God’s sake
Let go of your hate
It is the tool of a fool.
It is so juvenile.
So grade school.

It’s time to grow up, don’t you think?
It’s time to rise up on your hind legs,
And take a drink from the loving cup.
Even a child can learn the golden rule -
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Though, in this world we’ve made -
Within the mind-framed by man,
It may be expecting too much.
Letting go of hate.
It could be you’re so crippled by hate,
You hang on to it as a crutch.
Hiding behind justifying the means of…such and such…
It is a false notion
That any good can be attained
By doing wrongful deeds
Or planting seeds which mislead.
Then too, maybe you simply like being stuck
In the muckity muck,
And you find comfort being buried in the muddled rut.

In this light
Hate may never cease.
But at least
I have addressed the subject.
With hopes that my words will bring some measure


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called
the children of God."

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