Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Dear Friend Iris (A Tribute to Ms. Iris Edith Bond)

My friend, Iris
Was also my sister.
We thought of ourselves as like Mary and Martha
Not so much as character likeness,
But as the personal friends to Jesus –
As seen by Jesus.
We sometimes even had twin experiences.

I thought Jesus loved us so and defined us so
As His true friends,
That He would surely raise Iris from her deathbed
As He did Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus
In the nature of His heart so turned towards them.
I even dreamed a sequence of events
That foretold Iris being resurrected out of her sleeping berth
From where she spoke that she had not died, but still lives.
I expected to see her rise and come forth,
But it came to be only a perplexing dream.
Or an event taking place in the spirit realm.
Or perhaps something I don’t yet wholly understand.
(Though I am getting there….)

Iris was truly the very best friend I ever had.
We shared an unconditional/agape love –
Without restraints,
Without judgments,
Without reservations, jealousies,
Or circumstantial considerations.

They say when God takes something or someone dear,
He replaces it with another of equal or greater value
Or substance.
Not so with Iris.
She has been and is irreplaceable.
There has been no one since,
To share my heart openly and complete,
Or my secret thoughts with.
There has been no one to sit, as we did in the Algonquin Lounge,
And talk endlessly -
For hours ‘til closing.
Because we were such favorites,
The staff would let us stay long after hours,
until they had cleaned and vacuumed around us.

We sometimes picnicked in Central Park
And took in the likes of Shakespeare with Den..ZEL, and Madame Butterfly,
Or jump rope matrons, the drummers and skaters and the like.
We have danced in the Village ‘til dawn,
Dined in the elegance of the Plaza’s Palm Room,
In the breeze on the waterfront,
Or a dive in Harlem.
And many cafes and diners around town,
Smoking Marlboro Lights –
Me with my wine or coffee,
She with her hot chocolate.

We worked in the theatre and it was a special love.
We also sat by the river and discussed,
Sometimes in heated debate,
Themes on the rivers of life’s unending streams,
Our own desired ambitions and dreams,
We would consider and chew the fat over the ins and outs
Of history’s ills,
View and spew on social society’s heady behavior,
Challenge biblical inspired doctrines,
And question religious and philosophical thoughts and ideas.
The point of writings and art forms,
Mull over the considered truths and possible lies
Of what we knew and didn’t know to be so – Or not.
We would ponder the relevance of film –
Experienced memorable movie moments like “The Color Purple.”
Much discussion followed that one.
There has been no one quite like Iris
To laugh and cry and share thoughts on longing or desire
For love and to be loved by whosoever it was to be
Or who we wanted it to be.
No one to be utterly silly with –
(Well, with the exception of Isaiah and Jasmine or Nessa
I must say).

When my granddaughter, Jasmine, was born,
There was no other person I could consider
To be her god-mother
But Iris.
Who gave her the gods-names “Dunamis Exousia” –
Greek words meaning – “power and might of God
And the “authority of God.”
It was a specially memorable occasion
When she was blessed and named on her first Thanksgiving.
She was given to Iris for her naming, passed to my mother,
To me, Richard, Billy, Michael, Judy
And then to her mommy Vanessa.
We each said words of blessings and prayer over her.         
Iris was Jasmine’s god-mother in every sense of the term.
Which she accepted with the greatest honor,
With pure joy and abounding love.
I can see her face even now upon my child.
She was not with us when Isaiah was born
But she would have surely adored him too.

I miss Iris everyday.
I think now of her dying.
But I will tell of her living.

She could be pompous and proud, full of airs.
Walked with the stride of entitlement,
And driven to be someone of recognized importance –
Being the “King’s kid” and a member of the Chosen sons.
She was and is one of the “sons of God to arise.”
Who the whole of creation awaits.
Iris was smart and articulate,
Courageous and nonplussed by the bias and prejudices of men.
She belonged wherever the soles of her feet were placed.
She carried dignity as her fortune
And the title of mighty as her fate.
Manhattan Isle was her primary base
The great metropolis her home and birthplace.
She gathered the concrete stones around her ankles as bracelets
And strolled its treacherous paths like an eagle on wings –
Her long braids slung down her back
As trestles of the warrior princess –
In season and out.
All the while singing praises to the Most High
Under the precepts of the Holy anointing on her brow.

To God be the glory!

Iris was my friend and sister
But she was also my mentor,
And I was the same to her.
She made me better, stronger,
And braver than my substance.
She taught me lessons I did not know,
Tales I had not heard,
And she was all that was good in God.
She was all joy to know.
She was light and love,
Her living was as gold and silver and precious jewels.
Iris’ death was a tragic lost,
But her living was a glorious gift.

Thank You God for the gift of life shared.

The flower, “Iris,” takes its name from the Greek work for
Rainbow –
Referring to the wide variety of flower colors.
In Greek mythology,
The goddess of the rainbow,
Regarded as an advisor and guide,
Who traveled the speed of the wind,
Could go from the bottom of the sea
To the depths of the underworld.
She was represented as a beautiful maiden
With wings and robes of bright colors
And a halo of light on her head,
Trailing across the sky with a rainbow in her wake.
Also, the flower of the Sphinx is considered to be an Iris.
My dear friend, Iris, was as such a many-colored flower
Or radiance and beauty.
I will treasure our friendship…. Our sister-ship always.

Love you, Iris

(I also want to take this opportunity to thank my other
Dear sister-friends, Freda, Genera, Janice, Brenda, Adrienne
And Vanessa who have stood by me faithfully in my work.
Your love and support is a blessed gift.  It has meant more
To me than words can express.)








Friday, November 7, 2014

The Fall
The falling leaves
From sun spent trees
Shed their grace
Down to the ground
Twirlings and twistings
All around
To the bevy
Of vegetation’s fertile
Bearing seedlings
Basking upon the earth’s floor
Awaiting the crisp blanketing
Of Fall’s brisk refrain
Cascading flutter-flies
Under the skies
Bright in the sunlight
Breathing in the beauteous bounty
 To alight
In the feathery show pieces
Dancing in the wind beckoning
Them leave
Their pinnacle
And embrace
The face hidden
On the surfaced wellspring

The falling leaves
Drift about
As a song
For a lady

Planted on the banks of the river
Sounding melancholy and kinda blue

They sail too
On wings of a dove
Woven in coats of the many colors
 Of the seasonal hue
Rustic browns and tainted tans
Morning yellows and sunset golds
Bold reds and pumpkin oranges
Peak-a-boo pinks

Shadowing violet speckled in-laids
With olive and lemon peels
Changing in the brush
Sitting among the greens
Falling through
Dressed pines
And times
Of pasts and comings
Of the harvest
From summer’s crossing over
To the other side
Like the rushing tides
Who stem
From the deep
To speak
To the story
Of the Master in His glory
Painting the day
From the Kingdom Hall
This glorious season
We call
The Fall.

“Let Your work (the signs of Your power)
Be revealed in Your servants,
And Your glorious majesty
To their children.
And let the beauty and delighfulness and favor
Of the Lord our God be upon us;
Confirm and establish the work of our hands –
Yes! The work of our hands,
Confirm and establish it.” Ps. 90:16-1

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Rich Life

"Even the stars look lonesome"
Since you transcended
"In that great gettin' up morning - fairly well."

Blessed art thou among women,
All the earth is blessed by your birth.

To much was given
in "the heart of this woman"
"singin' and swingin'
and gettin' merry like Christmas."
"In all ways a woman" -

and "A phenomenal Woman"
by all definitions.
Who freed the "the caged bird"
to sing the song
of times and places
near and far,
captured in
the colored faces
traced in the lines
entwined in the rich tapestry
with the trellis vine of the stoic pine
made wandering the wildernesses
of the rugged mountains
rising with the sun,
and valley lows
deep in the frays of the day.

She rose
"unapologetically direct"
bathed in
"bright reds and oranges,
greens and pinks
teals and tourquoise"

blossoming in the morning
in all its glory.

"She collected herself inside herself"
"Refusing to remain blinded
to our history and deaf to the cries of our past" -
"refusing to preside over the mutilation of memory"
"with the courage to exist..."

She stood "A black woman tall as a cypress."
Head up and proud;
Possessing "the courage to dare..."
to dream dreams... to love loving;
Professing the "courage to hope..."
"Even when ... expectations are dashed to the ground
and broken into shards of disappointment."

Her art
"encourages us to stand erect -
stretch upwards to higher ground"
"putting starch in our backbones."

Her art
teaches us
to walk a little taller
over the shifting sands and turbulent seas,
across the low-lying meadows and the high drifting plains
that challenge our way.
Her art
gives us those much-needed eagles wings
to take flight -
even in night -
to fly into the distant "journeys,"
onto the faraway shores
where her voice
fuels "a cool drink of water"
in the desert dry.

We are braver because of you,
Maya Angelou...
my mother, my sister, my inspiration, my friend.
We are more than conquerors
than we would be
if you had not been;
If you had not taken up your pen,
engaging the senses -
as it has been with me -
to taste and see into the outer blue;
to hear and feel the sound of something new;
to shape a song on the page,
even if its one of rage.
It is the substance of being one with God
and doing our part.
Your art
challenges us
"To so live that we will not regret years
of uselessness and inertia."

So my dear lady...of our day
I say thank you.
Thank you for having invited me
to "the welcome table" -
bidding me come feast
and partake of your  great wisdom,
your humble, but fully-charged spirit,
your bold adventures into the words
and sounds
of the drum...
from "the balcony of the buzzard roost"
to dance upon the baptismal waters
for sons and daughters
of these multi-layered shores and seas.

Thank you so much for your loving touch,
your warm embrace,
your devotion to the call to come forth
and take up your cross
and put on our "travelling shoes."
Rest well, our queen
among the giants...
James (my sweet Jimmie B),
Ossie and Ruby Dee,
our beloved Coretta and Martin,
Malcolm and Betty,
Young Michael Brown
left to languish on the ground,
our great fella, Mr. Mandela -
to name a few,
along with our mamas and papas,
our own brothers and sisters
who we remember with you.

I loved you...a long time, Maya.
I will always treasure the words you wrote
in your personal note.
I'm praying to carry on...
"I'm gonna run on,
see what the end is gonna be..."

As we round the bend,
enter the gate,
when someday soon
we are all set free.

Note: The italicized quotes are from Maya's writing

"And He came to her and said, Hail. O favored one
The Lord is with you! Blessed art thou among women!"
Luke 1:28

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Little Boy

In the world of torment
And pain.
Oh Lord
It is our shame.

A little boy

In the dungeon
Of despair.
Was there no one to care?

That he cried

Did anyone see?

That he tried
To pry open the door
To scream…
“ Help me!”

“Somebody get me out of here!”
“There’s a monster
Under my bed!”
I’m afraid!”

“Can someone
Hear me?!”
“Can you send someone
To protect me…”
“Come quickly!”

He opened the wires
To reach in to where he lay
Buried in the mire
Of cruelty and decay.

But no one heard him.
The protectors came
But they didn’t believe him.
They didn’t see him
Standing there
For some kind intervening.
He was right there
Begging for help
In the code of distress…
“911 – Come!”
“Deliver me from this evil one!”

His call went unheeded…
Even children’s services
Had not interceded.

He was left there
To bare
The vengeful brunt of
Villainous rage.

He was left there
Where he was being beaten,
And cut…
To be the butt
Of a foot
Struck with brute force against
His tiny rib cage.

He was left there
Stranded in the fire
As they turned and walked away.
They left him there
To die a tortuous death
At the hands of a vicious bulldog,
To live another tortuous day.

Didn’t anyone care enough?
To see?
That he was standing there
Waiting for a helping hand
To rescue him from  brutal monsters
Who hated the very sight of him.

Who knows
But God,
The heart of this man and this woman
For this 9-year old little boy
Living his short life
Without a window
To escape
His doomed fate.

This little boy living a daily death
All the time.

This sad little boy.

This little child of yours and mine.

He suffered all the days
Of his short little life.

No one paid attention
To his bitter birth;
No one gave credence to his value or worth.

His seed was planted here
On this rich and fertile earth
Where God gave man domain
To be caretakers of its gardens
And fruit trees.

Yet, this little boy
Could find no one to hear his desperate pleas.

Oh Lord
What a terrible shame.
Such misery and pain.

But he’s at rest now.
He breathes
In God’s loving arms again.

I’m thankful that
Father/Mother God
Has rescued him from
This world -
This world captive to the devil’s delights
And sadistic appetites
Formed in man
Who would stump a little boy to death.

And who knows of the other
Many times
This man and this woman
Would viciously attack
This precious little boy
Who had the un-fortune
To be born
In the pit of darkness and disdain.

Oh Lord
What a terrible shame.

Just think of it…
Feet pounding,
Trouncing until he bled.
Fists thrashing, hammering
Down upon his head.
His ribs crushing under the blows;
His back broken into pieces of splintered bone;
In this place he called home.
His little body bleeding inside and out
Until the air went out
Of him,
And he was dead.

On this mother’s day approaching
I weep for this little boy…
This precious little one…
This little son.

May God avenge your tragic death
I pray.

Little boy

I pray
That your living was not a hollow thing
That you were not an empty vessel
Of naught
Trapped in the web of deceit
This evil wrought.

I pray
That though all thought of you
Have left the headlines news
Your little boy’s
Touches the feet of Christ.

I pray
On this 4th day… of May…
“Let the waters bring forth
Abundantly and swarm with
Living creatures, let birds fly
Over the earth in the open expanse of the heavens.”
(Genesis …1:19-20)
Speaking birth
-Being shaped and formed:
-Life in abundance,
-For the fertilization and enrichment of the soul,
-In this Kingdom Day
-Coming forth
-Quickly –
-As rushing rivers
-Stretching out over the whole earth

In Christ.  Amen

In remembrance
Of Little Omaree Varela
Born, behind bars, February 3, 2004
Died, December 27, 2013

When they crucified Jesus Christ,
Beat Him mercilessly
And hung Him up to die,
(As they decried, in essence, “Kill the Son of God.”)
Jesus said, “Forgive them Father,
For they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34)

I could write those words here too…
Forgive these sense-less murderers
Who are captives in the abyss of darkness.

I pray
I may get there…as required by God…
As a son of Light.
I’m not yet today.
Maybe tomorrow…
As I come tonight into this 5th day, and read,
Where God said, “Let Us make mankind
In Our image…”
“So God created man in His own image,
In the likeness of God He created him; male and female
He created them.”  (Genesis 1:26-27)

Then came the fall,
But God has implanted in the seed of creation
His design to redeem us all.
Forgiveness is divine
It is unto all mankind.

Praise God.

Happy Mother’s Day

(Seed-week days May 4-5, 2014: Genesis creation days 5 and 6)