Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday Morning In August

How crisp
Is the wind
This morning
White/blue silhouettes
Stirring cool breezes at my feet
After the long hot summer days
Filled with the coating
Of humid sweltering heat
To come to this
Seat beneath the summer trees
And savor
Cooling drifts in breeze

The sun
Across the terrace window
In bright gleams of light
Feathered in frothy colored dust
As brisk wind songs
Billow and swirl about
Like dreams at night
Dancing in the gust
To melodic whisperings
In the ear of deer
Chomping on the brush
To hush

How wonderful is
Monday morning’s splendor and charm
Unveiling mystic moments
Of loving arms
Touching the hem
Of her garment
In Seasons of time
Flavored with pink roses
And white wine,
Sunlight and light rain
Silencing the day to hear
What’s on heaven’s mind
To pray

Dear Glorious God And Lord
Let Your favor fall down
And around us in golden rays of light
Upon our paths
To go forth and conquer
In Your Name.
Give us the abundance of Your goodness and mercy
Which endures forever.
Grant us this day
According to Your divine riches and glory
The fortitude to press on
Toward the prize of the high calling
In Christ.

Fashion us makers of men
And partakers of the generous cup of life
As a testament
To the new covenant of hope and love
From the heavens above to the depths of the sea
For all the world to see.
Give us,
According to Your great power and might,
Mighty warrior spirits to courageously
Take up the sword
And plow through,
Up, and against
The fortresses of hopelessness and abandonment.

Teach us the way of Your righteousness
Shrouded in the energies of agape
And the song of the day
That speaks to the heart of men
To gather in the sheaves
For such a time as this -
As we enter into the kingdom principles set forth
By Your Voice into the darkness
To come,
And be light for the living.

Help us to see more clearly Your wonder-working Hand
Upon the land which the Lord our God has given to us –
To be witnesses arising on the horizon
Gathering in the east
For the Tabernacles Feast.
Bless us with Your good and perfect will
Which endows us “the overcomers reward”
As the sons of God
Prepared before the foundation of the heavens and the earth.
Make way
The prepared day of life everlasting
As the old is passing.
Let Thy will be done
O Lord
Our strength and our Redeemer.
Bless Your Name
In the highest reign.

Let this prayer be heard around the globe.
And dear Lord
Give heed
To the planted seed;
Let it be unto us as
Thou have spoken.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Clouds of Love

Mythical crystal
Moving in soft Stratus strokes
And ominous Cumulous ripples
In the tropospheric atmosphere
Of being
Boldly cloistered on the blushing sky
With the towering Cumulonimbus formations
Protruding upwards
Inside the well of channeled energies
The horizon of love

The waters breathe
Cooled misty
The Cirrus Intortus
And tangled
Intimately woven
Into another
Wavering within
The Altostratus Duplicatus
In closely threaded layers

The other
In raptured light movements
Undulating ripples
Of suspended release
Capturing the turbulent surgings
Spread eagled-winged
Across the swelling seascape
With the bubbled protuberant
Cumulonimbus Calvus
Formed within the
Thickening moisture
When the Nimbostratus
And Altostratus Undulatus
Bring Stratocumulus pillars
To the reaches
Of Pannus peaks
Whose rising base of bliss
As a kiss

Under the shadows of the sun and the moon
Where stretches of Lenticulars
And Castellanus bodies
Intertwine in luscious
And sweet succulence
Titillating lingerings
Of currents transcending
Nebulosus proportions
To reach Cirrus Fibratus
And Uncinus heights
In paralleled converging

Rising in Cirrocumulus
Of hot towering penetrations
In Cumulus
Mediocus explosions
Cascading the expanse
To the far-reaches

To lie suspended
In Noctilucent
In the firmament
Of clouds
Of ecstasy
To the
The wellspring
A cloud as small as a man’s hand
rising out of the sea.”
(1Kings 16:44)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Mind of the Talents

The Mind – The Brainpower - The Head

The part of a person that thinks and reasons.
Where he looks for
To find understanding of the how to,
The when is
The wherefore
And why if -
Through constructive and reflective reasoning.

The mind is in the head
Taking the lead
At the top
Central and foremost.
It is the summit place,
The controller and the general,
The ruler and the regulator,
The chief negotiator,
The mover and the shaker,
The cradle of preparation,
The crown and glory.
A most vital organ.

The mind is
Where the intellect is housed
Perception, observation, awareness,
And stored alongside the capacity to focus
When insightful viewpoints gather steam
To form sound opinions in the light of comprised knowledge,
Sense and sensibilities, astuteness,
And visceral shrewdness.
It is where cleverness gets its skillful cunning,
And why
Good judgment recognizes sound doctrines.

Where logic makes sense of the profound,
In the deep alcoves of philosophical reflections.
It is the platform where conviction, belief,
Remembrance, imagination,
And purpose operates.
It is the home-place of wisdom and the information database;
Where intuition is formulated and communicated;
Where ideas are formed and stored;
Where exploration into buried treasures of genius
Is spouted in enriched and talented souls
To bring illuminating truths
And vibrant brilliance
Into the fold.

"The mind is
A terrible thing to waste" is a time honored motto.

It is like the kingdom of heaven principles.

Jesus said,
The kingdom of heaven
Is like when
A man goes on a journey,
And entrusts to his servants his property -
(Something of great worth, significance, assets).

To one he gave five talents;
To another two talents;
And to another one talent.
Each according to his own personal ability.

The man who received the five talents
Put his talents to work, and
Gained five more.
The one who received two talents
Also gained two more.
But the man who had received the one talent,
Dug a hole in the ground,
Buried it,
And hid his master’s talent.

When the master returned,
And settled accounts with them,
The one who received the five talents brought forth
His increase of five additional talents;
As did also the one given two talents.
They had prospered the master’s property.
Having taken the charge to heart
As a entrusted guardianship,
And used the resources wisely -
Maintaining and further expanding the value.
They worked the fields diligently;
Kept to the plow,
And enhanced their worth.
The master said to them both,
Well done my good and honorable servants.
You have been faithful and trustworthy with a few things;
I will put you in charge of much more.
Come and share in your master’s joy.

When the one who had received the one talent came forward,
He said,
I knew that you were a hard man,
Harvesting (reaping) where you have not sown;
And gathering where you have not scattered seed.
So I was afraid and hid your talent in the ground.
See, here is what belongs to you.

So, the master said to him,
You wicked, idle and lazy servant!
Did you indeed know that I reap where I have not sowed?
And gathered where I have not seeded?
Then you should have at least deposited my talent and I would have
Received it back with interest.
For instance -
(If a man planted one small seed of corn,
It could produce a fruitful-bearing corn stalk
To feed a household.)
This foolish man
Did not heed the sovereignty of the master,
And disputed his authority.
Most significantly, he didn’t utilize what was freely given him.
Nor did he recognize the value of the prize.
In burying his talent,
He also buried his head in the sand.
He was too afraid to take the risk for fear of punishment.
He did not use
His head
To determine the will, the way, or
The mind of the master.
He didn’t

So the master took the talent from him
And gave it to the one who had gained the ten talents.
(Matthew 25:14-30)

The moral of the parable -
If you don’t use your mind,
Your talents,
The resources made available to you,
Your gifts and abilities,
They will be lost to you.
And become someone else gain.

Of the unregenerate mind.
It is the playground of the dis-possessors.
The mind is the prime target
Of the enemy
To stagnate, to cripple,
Or otherwise,
As in…
Removing the guts to
Take aim and soar.

“…Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test,
And prove (for yourselves) what God’s will is –
His good and acceptable and perfect will (for you).” Romans 12:2

As my friend James Lee is famous for saying…
Pay close attention and transform, transform, transform.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Morning Star

(Thursday, 7-28-2011, approximately 5:45 A.M.)

I was out for a leisurely stroll
As the quiet dawn watches over the streets
And the night light turns a misty gray hue
Over this grand City that never sleeps
And behold!
I looked up afar
And I saw
For the very first time
The Morning Star!
A majestic and stately phenomenal out of the blue
Perched over New York City’s skyline
Near 36th and 9th Avenue.

The Morning Star appears in the east
Around the time of daybreak.
Appearing as the darkness passes
As the light bringer
To linger only ‘til the sun appears
To the masses.
Shone forth to preach the gospel in the sky
Seated on heavenly high
Like a still soft voice beckoning
A reckoning
To the minions below –
Take notice!
And see
What comes to be.
Thus doth the light say…
This the dawning of a new day
As the old is passing away.
Out upon the celestial horizon!
New beginnings are rising.
Weeping may endure for a night,
Or two,
But the light comes sure as the morning dew.

This same light is also the Evening Star
Appearing in the west after the sun-rest
At twilight
But never during the darkness of midnight
The Evening Star never rises high in the sky
As seen from earth’s sky-light.
But there is no object, after the moon, seen so bright.

It Is the name given to the planet

So named for the goddess of love, beauty, productivity
And femininity.
Some cultures refer to the planet as the metal star
Based on the five elements –
Wood, fire, earth, metal, water
And believed by some, the governing deity of earth is from Venus
Presiding over the mortal.
Venus orbits between the earth and the sun.
As the Morning and the Evening Star being one.
The greatest luminosity of this brightest star transpires
When it is near the earth
As the forerunner to the advent of birth
Or to be as a herald to announce the coming of the day to rise
That the light is coming clearer;
With illumination and clarification

This is my coming of age tale
During an early morning walk in Summer.
Seeing through the lens of the overcomer.

All hail!!!

To the Chief!

(Thanks to James Lee for walking with me)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

O Sunday Morning

The new day is dawning
The sun shines its light through the trees
Whispers to the soft breeze
And speaks to me…
At ease.
The sun rays sit upon my face
Seating me in comfort’s place.
I prepare for the day without haste.

Birds chime in their heralded chorus
Making for a song caroled glorious
Praises to God
Who speaks
A love victorious.

I smile, penning this is my file,
And continue to sit and wait awhile
Before I run the long mile.

The Laws of the Universe
Set in motion the cycles of life

Transforming energy (power,momentum,strength,force)…
To change, adapt, transition, alter, converge into one form of matter -
(substance, mass, space, convertible to energy)
Into and/or from another form -
(configuration, appearance, mode, material or shape)

It is as a directive, a commandment,
A regulation or a principle,
It is theory and formula.
In the biblical context
It is the divine will (energy) binding the order of rule
Under the enforceable authority Of God
Applicable to all situations and purposes
In the course of biblical metaphysical conjecture
And In the light of The Divinely ordered system
By which society is governed

Under the Umbrella of Universal motion

It is circular – continuously expanding.
It is a formation of a specific pattern
Of Things which turn, orbit, surround, contain and remain.
We live in cycles of light and dark
Governed by a series of events.
Events that repeat themselves continuously
In A regular manner of performance
Set in motion to go around
And come back around to the appointed place of origin

Within the life cycle of the universe,
There is a constant conversion of matter into energy
And energy into matter.
A principle set in motion -
As night follows day…
Day follows night…
Time in seasons…
Birth and death…
The earth’s continuous orbit and circuit…
The circle and cycle of the sun and the moon -
Guiders of the principle of light and dark…
The gravitational force of push and pull…
The movement of the waves washing in the ride of the tide…
The spirit’s energy coming from God and returning back to God…
The beginning with no ending…

A fundamental law – E=MC Square

Nothing can explode with more energy than is contained in its mass.

Fundamental wisdom shines its light on the mind
And calls out into the dark…
Education is a principle which governs mankind
To have dominion and make his mark

Education is a trust fund
Of value and riches consigned to everyone

Education should not be relegated to the back page
But brought forward field and advanced to the center stage
To the head of the class
With Educators the first
Rising up in mass
To teach, to reach, to edify, to clarify,
To disclose and expose in the broader day’s light

For wisdom speaks –
Education is the “key” and the “whole” to deepening insight.
To pass on knowledge to a chosen few
Because you mistake it a proper due,
Will cause us all to fall
In proportions large and small.
Remember this when you think to resist,
“Whatever is sown and grown
Is the harvest one reaps.”
So here’s the cheer,
For those who have an ear..

Give me an…
Eenlighten and inspire, energize and galvanize
deepen the well of knowledge to rise
Uunleash the flow of fresh oil
Ccause the mind to blossom from the soil
Aaffect the more to soar
Ttransform into meaningful matter
Iinstruct and inform from the storehouse of data
Oovercome the need to sit still and do nothing ‘til…
Nnavigate and nurture the course of the nucleolus -
the body within the cell nucleus, the core

Fostering our destiny,
To rise and soar

From sea to shining sea.