Sunday, August 9, 2009

Changing Gears

Letter to President Barack Obama

On the Subject of: "Changing Gears"

A recent article appeared in "The Atlantic" magazine
under the heading - "Quick Fixes."
The sub-heading, "Pay the artists"
written by Felix Salmon,
is the reason for the letter,
with the special note to the quote,
"Artists are among the very poorest citizens.
When they get cash, they spend it
both quickly and carefully.
That's not what most recipients of federal largess do,
but it happens to be exactly what economists look for
in any stimulus package."

The slogan of this administration has been that of - "change."
Well sir, in all due respect,
let me say this -
True change has never come about,
and any significant change
never will
come through
by merely the acts of politics, politicians or political propositions
(and/or religious institutionalized suppositions, I might add).
It is through the enlightenment
brought forth
by the forward-thinking artists -
the gifted poets, and the like
who are the instruments of light.
Being liken to the sun
shining its rays upon the paths
of the men below.

I would like to suggest
that if this administration is truly
about changing directions with any success
in the uplifting of life
from the gutters of ignorance and blight...
going down the tube of the same "o" same "o,"
it should
turn to a fresh page in the book
and take a look
at the loving cup
standing up
before you.
You will see
a branch from the tree of life
poised at just such a time as this
to engage
the audience
in a manner of man
not to be missed.

The artists are stars
shining in the darkness of night
to light
the way to greater knowledge and undiscovered truths.
We are the measurements
by which man's passages
into a higher realm of mind
are drawn and quartered,
and loosed.

To relegate the artists to the back burners
for the placements of the jump and jive
after five
is always a grave
We know
it is so
that the elevation of civilization
rises in prominences
when proper attention to the arts
is given its due place
of reverence, relevance
and cultural importance.

Isn't it time to grow up?
Don't you think!?
Aren't you sick and tired of this elementary school
way of thinking
and living on the brink of retardation and stagnation?!!
Don't you want for your children to flourish in a life
filled with plentiful buds of bright new beginnings
blossoming on luscious fruit trees
brimming with the best of health and wealth
of the kind
which changes minds
from blind followers
to leaders of tomorrows?

We are at the cross
where the right paths
can be taken
the way west
where the land of golden opportunities rest.
Or we can be
on the landing strip
going nowhere
because the gears got stuck in the muck
on the take-off.

I pray that's not to be the case.
It would be such a waste
in this hoped-for new day
taking place.

Blessings to you
in all that you do.

I am,
with sincerest regards,
Ruth Ce. Jones


President Barack Obama -
March 29, 2009

I greatly appreciated your recent press conference.
I was impressed with your presidential appearance,
your command of space and time,
your self-assurance,
the comfort you displayed in your position.
And your ability to relay your thoughts and ideas without hesitation
or preoccupation with expectations.

What brings me to this letter is to commend you,
and to thank you for your wisdom and understanding
of the need to improve the educational system in this country.
It has been a pain in my spirit.
As the theme of the United Negro College Fund expresses,
“The mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
And the minds of our children,
across the board,
are being wasted to the point of appalling proportions.
I think of the Wall Street Journal’s article, and the television special
which followed, on the subject of “The dummying down of America.”
How appropriate to describe our learning standards,
and academic status on the educational world stage.
But more so, that lack of forward-thinking in regards to education
is no less than shameful.
That “the powers that be” cannot and have not addressed this need
with critical importance
is unbelievable to say the least.
I ask, Is there no one minding the store? Is everyone out to lunch?
Are your heads in a barrel?
Do you live under a rock?
How can one be so foolish, so involved with “self,”
self-possession, self-involvement, “living in one’s own corner of the world” -
to miss the boat to where the “real” power lies.
That we cannot comprehend the value,
the worth, the significance,
the obligation, the responsibility,
the vital necessity to provide all of our children
with the best education available,
is beyond me.
And we call ourselves a “world power.”
We think ourselves “advanced.”
We think ourselves “progressive.”
We think we are at the head of the class
when we are in actuality, almost out the back door.
This country has all the tools, the expertise,
the capabilities, the resources, the might and minds,
to be so far ahead in the realm of public education,
all the countries in the world should be looking to us
for educational leadership.

We were once considered, and okay, still considered to be
the nation with the best educational institutions in the world.
Yes, we still have our many great facilities - at cost - for the select few!
And of course, other nations continue to seek out our institutions
to further their minds and ideas.
They tap into our many educational resources daily.
But it is sad to say, that while others have benefited
from American resources,
and are more prepared to exceed, succeed, achieve high goals
and make inroads into productive adventures,
too many of our children are resigned and inclined
to sit on the stoop and talk trash,
hang at the mall ‘til the hogs call, and text message
about nonsense and pretense.
Too little is being done to build and establish mature minds
for the future evolution
to ensure the continued advancement of this nation.
We are only as great as our minds will allow us to perceive enlightenment,
and thereby achieve great wisdom’s teachings.
We have made great inroads in computerized electronics,
video games that blow your mind,
scientific technology to venture into and out to the yonder sphere,
and of course,
pharmaceuticals to every boy and girl.
Yet the public school system fails our children daily.
Their minds are not challenged,
they are not really encouraged to read and write beyond the elementary standards.
Their minds are not challenged to venture beyond the gate of mediocrity.
They are not even challenged to explore their own ideas, or to have ideas.
There is little encouragement to look further than the front porch,
up the street, or the corner store.
As if to go further, they would get lost in the wilderness of some kind of briar patch.
Nevertheless and notwithstanding, they are filled with the capacity to excel
just by birth into this great and awesome world created by God,
where unexplored avenues are awaiting.
Unknown resources still waiting to be discovered,
hidden agendas yet uncovered, mysteries still unmasked.
The sands of times, past and present, are awaiting them
to go forward and find the treasure under the rainbow beyond measure.

Now having said all this,
I still have not come to my initial reason for writing to you.
As I looked on you, I saw a president, yes.
But also I saw a teacher, a master teacher.
Who has the ear of the youth in all quarters of the nation.
Who has the ability and capacity to elevate our youth,
To inspire by example,
To stir up and stimulate our student body - as like “raising the dead.”
As you have been “prepared to lead,”
you can motivate the teachers, challenge the leaders,
and be a mighty instrument in bringing real change from the roots.
I’m convinced what is needed, is a new outlook,
a new beginning and underpinning,
a re-newed vigor with rigor,
a set determination to inspire our children that they can make a difference,
and it not be just words.
People must come to an understanding that real lasting power is in the pen.
That the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.
And that empowering the masses,
through the empowerment of the best education made available to all children,
is the making of a monument of unparalleled proportions.
Then we can truly say, we are a great nation.
A nation of great wealth
which does not perish in the ruble.

And so now, Mr. President
I will end my epistle here,
With blessings to you and your lovely family.
May God continue to plant a hedge around and about all of you
to protect you from harm and danger, seen and unseen.

“And there shall be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation,
wisdom, and knowledge; the reverent fear and worship of the Lord
is your treasure and His.”
(Isaiah 33:6)

Best regards,
Ruth Ce. Jones

Note: Education derives its meaning from the Latin - “Educo”
Which means - to develop from within, to draw out, to grow through use

“My people perish for lack of knowledge,” (Hosea 4:6)


  1. Re. Changing Gears:
    Brilliant, my Ruth. Send it to Barack!!! :)


  2. OMG, Ruth - this is totally awesome and inspiring! You hit the nail on the head - he is a teacher and has inspired so many by giving hope to those who had lost faith in our country. I really hope he gets this letter You seriously have it goin on with the pen my Sistah!!!

    Keep on pushin...(the pen)

    Love U,

  3. Hey Ruth,

    That letter you wrote is very lovely and I hope the president receives it personally and respond.

