Sunday, April 17, 2022

Speaking for Myself

The waters run down

Like fields of rain

coming from the mountains on high

moving through the clustered peaks of the sky

flooded with heavenly dew,

and I know

it’s all about You

Inundating every fiber of my being.

You possess me

in the depths of my passion

and my pain.


I was born in the very womb of God, El Shaddai (The Breasted One).

I am a chosen one.


God chose me at the beginning of His story.

He wrote my story in His Own Book of Life.

He placed within my very self



He gave me the best He has to give in creating man…

His Spirit.


He sculpted my frame;

laid out my limbs,

and horned my armor of brass and iron,

and covered me in rubies and precious stones.


God made my heart of silver and gold

and crowned me in HIS glory.

God called my name Ruth.


At the beginning of time

He said of me… Thou art Mine.


Though man deemed my birth as that of a human slave,

a savage Indian nomad

to bend and bow to man’s will,

he is a fool

because he knows not what he has done.


And though he looked upon my name as one

called heathen, child or girl,

I am nevertheless a celestial pearl.


Man captured my father

And whipped him to subdue.

Nevertheless he is

one with the King of Kings.


And though man looks upon my kind

as being an inferior mind,

know something true…

my back is the best of you.


God has set me up in His High Place –

to His left and to His right;

chosen to be His light.

Hallelujah! Judah!


I testify of me

to recognize who I be.


I was with God when He created the world.

I was among the stars when He spoke to Job.

I was there when Abraham met Melchizedek.

I was there on the banks of the river

when John baptized y’eshuah Jesus.


When I was born out of my mother’s womb,

of my father’s seed,

it was the act of God appointing me

to come forth and serve humanity –

as deemed and designed by God –

Never to depart from His Divine Purpose and Will for my life

in representing the message of the Kingdom in the here

And the now

through the in-working and out-working of the Holy Spirit

which is Christ the Lord –

being manifested by grace, through faith,

and as the Word of God

walking among us,

having His Being among us,

transitioning in us.

He is in the midst of the waters!


And I also recognize

I have not been without many sins on some level.

I’m sure I’ve probably broken most of the commandments

in one form or another,

fell into hellish holes, pitfalls and assorted temptations

to one degree or another.

Maybe not to the extent of some

but to some extent nevertheless.

When I look upon the fallings and trappings of others,

In just about any situation,

I say openly and without judgments,

“But for the grace of God, there go I.”

“He gives us more and more grace. (James 4:6)

But I am certain that as God said of David,

He says to me

…I am a woman after God’s Own Heart. (Acts 13:22)

“For the Lord sees not as man sees;

For man looks on the outward appearance,

But the Lord looks on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)


Yes, I speak of me, Ruth Ce.

I was formed and fashioned –

brought forth in this earthen vessel

that sorely constricts me,

and greatly afflicts me,

Yet, I am required to daily surrender my will -

as did the Lord y’eshuah Jesus,

Who bowed to the will of God the Father/Mother

in perfect obedience.

Hasn’t been so with me, however,

It is out of and within This Tree I was seeded,

And in His image I am framed,

and established upon this rock of ages.

“Not by might, nor by power,

But by My spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.” (Zech. 4:6)

For He says about me and to me…

“The Lord your God is in the midst of you,

(He is with you)

A Mighty One, a Savior!

He will rejoice on you with joy;

He will quiet you with His love,

He will exult over you with singing. (Zeph 4:17)


Amen (So be it)

“Grace and peace to you.” (Rev. 1:4)


“…Known unto God are all His/Her works

From the beginning of the world.”  Acts 15:18




  1. What a wonderful description of Woman. Read this multiple times so that it is embedded in my spirit as I press on day by day.

  2. The elegant words of transparency that lead to acceptance, submission wrapped in love.
