Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Marching with the Wall Street Occupiers

(Wednesday, October 5, 2011)

Marching against the great divide
Separating the haves
From the have nots
Being squeezed outside
Who may be “the 99%”
But who will not relent
In speaking out against those in the
Executive chairs
Who allow, and participate in
“Robbing the middle-class to pay the rich”
Those who profit from greed
And dirty misdeeds
And our “politicians who reign as
The priesthoods of capitalization.”

They put their feet to the plow
To march in protest
Against the inequality
And discrimination by the well-fed
Fatted cows;
To proclaim Justice
Is the American declaration
Written in the sands of time
On our side
Of independence

To forge ahead
As a united people
For a more perfect union
Of government formed
For the people
And by the people.

Read the writing on the wall –
“Invest in people and education”
For the good of all.
Otherwise we all
Destruct, crumble and fall…
Like Humpty Dumpty
Who sat on the wall;
Who had a great fall
And no one could put
Humpty Dumpty back together again.

The End

1 comment:

  1. They should use this poem as their mantra! Since they don't seem to have a cohesive voice.
