Wednesday, December 11, 2013

(“In the beginning was the Word… And the Word was with God And the Word was God Himself.” John 1-1)

The Woman at the Well Spreads the Word

 While passing through
a little known Samaritan town  
called Sychar -
Jesus met a certain woman
On His way from Judea to Galilee,
At the place of Jacob’s Well.
It was about noonday.

a former capital city of Israel –
sat on a rich and fertile hilltop
Built during the reigns of King Omri,
and his son, Ahab.
It was a province
In what had become
Central Palestine.

Jacob and all his sons had drank from the well.
But Samaria had fallen to the Assyrians.
Intermarriage of native Jews with foreigners
Led to a mixed race Samaritan people
Who adopted the pagan idolatries
Of their captives.

They were condemned by the prophets -
Utterly despised by pure-blood Jews
Who shun them as wicked,
And avoided them like the plague -
Choosing to detour
around the city
when needing to pass.

Jesus had sat down to rest
When the woman arrived
To draw water.
Jesus asked her for a drink,
But she questioned His wish for water
from the well
of those considered unclean.

Jesus said to her…
If she had recognized the gift of God
Standing before her asking for a drink
She would have instead asked of Him,
and He would have given her
living water.

But the woman did not grasp the meaning of His words. 
She was distracted by the notion
That He would think he could draw water from a well
without a pail,
And provide living water!
How incredulous!
In the same vein…
think Himself more highly than their forefather Jacob.
He went on to say…
“All who drink of the water from this man-made well
Will remain thirsty,
But the living water given by and through Me
Shall become a spring within –
Flowing continually
Into all eternity.”

Though still not following
His leading,
But eager to receive this
Sustaining water…
And be relieved of the tedious trek out to the well everyday,
The woman seized upon
the more excellent option.

Jesus then elicited delicate details of her
personal cohabitations…
Which he had discerned by divine knowledge.
He knew all about her.
Prompting her to assess Him to be a prophet,
But questioned the behavior of a Jew
Worshipping outside the holy city of Jerusalem,
And in the shadow of the Samaritan temple.
It was out of character –
For which one would be condemned.

So Jesus told her…
The time is nearing
At hand
When you will worship the Father
Neither on this mountain
Nor in Jerusalem.
You Samaritans worship what you do not comprehend;
We worship what we know,
for salvation comes from among the Jews
Yet the time is coming…
And has now come
When worship in Spirit and in truth will be
The true nature of worship;
When the place of worship
Will not be of bricks and mortar.
Because God is Spirit
And seeks those who will worship the Father
In the Spirit
And in truth.”

Though the Samaritans embraced pagan idolatry,
They still worshipped the God of Israel.
So the woman was mindful
Of the sacred writings -
that the Messiah was to come.
She understood enlightenment
would come through Christ;
And He would clarify all things.

Jesus made Himself perfectly clear
That He was the One…
“I Am He.
I, Who now speaks with thee,
Am He.”

At that instance
The spirit of the Lord
Opened the heart and mind of the woman,
And as the ol’ song goes…
“I once was blind,
But now I see…”
Was true for her too.
She knew what He had spoken was truth.
Verily, verily…
Thus saith the Lord!...

She believed  with all certainty
He was the Christ,
And ran straightway into town
To spread the Word…
To announce the good news
That Christ the Messiah had come.

Soon after many people of the town
set out to meet Him.
They had initially believed
because of the woman’s ardent testimony,
But after spending time listening to Jesus
for themselves;
Many believed what He Himself said;
They believed and trusted the authority given His words;
They believed…in spirit and in truth,
Jesus was surely the Savior of the world.
That Christ…
Had indeed come!


The scriptures do not tell us what He said to them.
The text doesn’t allow us to sit in on any conversations.
Doesn’t share His message or ministry to them.
But they do tell us that He
Spent time with them…
About two days.
He spoke, they listened, they heard,
They saw with their own eyes
Jesus Christ walking with them.
The Word of God made flesh
And abiding among them…
Gentle, kind, loving, compassionate, patient, gracious,
tolerant, accepting, straightforward, considerate,
unhurried, relaxed, non-judgmental,
Friendly, bold, authoritative, indiscriminate, confident,
and self-assured in God.
As He was with the woman at the well.
(That’s the picture I get)
And they believed.

(Based on the Gospel of John, Chapter 4)

“For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son,
So that whoever believes in Him shall not perish (be lost)
But have eternal life.”
“For God did not send the Son into the world
In order to condemn the world,
But that the world would find salvation and redemption
Through Him.” (John 3:16 and 17)

Note: His disciples, upon seeing Jesus talking to this woman,
          were astonished, but kept silent.

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