Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Racism and the Racist

Racism is the platform
For the discriminating
Actions, attitudes, disposition, viewpoints
Mindset, outlook, concepts and ideas,
Thoughts and feelings
Of one person or group of persons
Against another
In applying
Stereotypical labels, brands
And demeaning classifications
Onto another people or/and persons
Whom the racist has declared under-valued
By opinions
Formed and based on preconceived, 
Predetermined notions
And for self-serving devotion

In order to bolster his idealized image

In order to power trip
And exalt himself
To self-righteous his-story glory,

In order to claim an unfair, unjust
Advantage over another brother

In order to promote himself
As being a superior being

In order to profit
And gain a prominent position as the
Leader of the rat pack

In order to garner favor
By exploiting for selfish gain and domain

In order to be bigger, badder and better
Grander, loftier, and greater
For the sake of arrogant pride and prejudice.
To justify, excuse and defend his role of “hater”

The racist
Bases his opinions
His estimations, his judgments,
On irrational feelings
Inaccurate data
Insufficient knowledge
Ignorance and obliviousness
To folly in his perpetual bliss
And to constitute his
Narrow-mindedness, his limited vision,
Distorted concepts, precepts
And mis-steps
His incapacity to rise above the fray of
His inability to contain and refrain from 
Dragging the heavy chain of
His intolerance
His animosity, fear and mistrust
Of a group or persons
Of a particular religion, creed, ethnicity, origin, 
Nationality, sexual preference, or social status.
Or whatever other partiality

He refuses to accept other people -
He refuses to look deeper

He chooses to judge one who is different
From the viewpoint of his vain reflection
In fantasy and make believe
Perpetuated in cartoon images of
“I am the super-hero”
You are the villain and foe.

He refuses to grow
To advance
To rise up on his hind legs
To mature into a progressively forward-thinking 
Of light
Due to the propaganda of a select pre-
Conceived project
Of “I’m white, so I’m right.”

He prefers to stay put
Walking barefoot

He says
I don’t like you
Because I say
You are not as good as me
You are beneath me really
A low class specimen
Yes, I mean to offend
And no,
I don’t want to be your friend
You brown,
You black
Who has been assigned the back
In status, position and station
Founded on genetic mutation
Or whatever
Dictator’s justification for occupation 

He says
I am among the chosen few
I’m high and above you
Because you are another hue
Pomp and circumstance
Is my ceremonial due
I belong
You don’t
I can
You can’t
I’ve decided
So it’s true

You are ugly too
You don’t look like me
My eyes are blue
You originate
From elsewhere
Over there
I’m better
I’m better
I’m better
I’m beautiful
I am preferred
You are the minority third
Your birth is of no worth
You were born under a curse
This I know
For the bible tells me so

I say so because I’m God
I’m the mighty and the strong
You were made to sweep my porch
Clean out the dung
Take out the slop
Take the blame when I’m wrong
You have no rights
Except those I allot
How dare you try to climb
Up my ladder
As if you matter
I will crush you down like a bug in a rug

Let me make it clear,
You don’t belong here
There’s no place at the table for you to sit
So get the hell back
‘Cross the railroad track
To your lean-to shack
Wherever that’s at
Go away!
Don’t come again another day
You piece of shit

So you say
So it’s true

But I ask
Have you looked in the mirror
At you?

Picture this…
The history of the ages bear witness,
Where legacies are sort, and bought,
To the mighty fallen in the pit of deception
Lost in the ashes of contempt
Conferred  to the canons of pompous attempts
Of such blind mice
As in the legacy of Mien Kampf
The poison laced
With its base
 “I’m the superior race”
By immoral standards of humans debased
To make his case
Molding statues of recognition
Of a favored /(slash) entitled position
Built upon his self-anointed
Colored face
His self-appointed
Privileged place

Ill-gotten by smearing another race

What a mind-less waste



  1. The poem is powerful! Sonja

    Love it, love it, I just love it. Carl

  2. Wow! Powerful indeed! I read it aloud and can see a sista/brotha rappin this with background music...

  3. This an amazing poem. I would really like to hear her speaking it.

