Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday Morning In August

How crisp
Is the wind
This morning
White/blue silhouettes
Stirring cool breezes at my feet
After the long hot summer days
Filled with the coating
Of humid sweltering heat
To come to this
Seat beneath the summer trees
And savor
Cooling drifts in breeze

The sun
Across the terrace window
In bright gleams of light
Feathered in frothy colored dust
As brisk wind songs
Billow and swirl about
Like dreams at night
Dancing in the gust
To melodic whisperings
In the ear of deer
Chomping on the brush
To hush

How wonderful is
Monday morning’s splendor and charm
Unveiling mystic moments
Of loving arms
Touching the hem
Of her garment
In Seasons of time
Flavored with pink roses
And white wine,
Sunlight and light rain
Silencing the day to hear
What’s on heaven’s mind
To pray

Dear Glorious God And Lord
Let Your favor fall down
And around us in golden rays of light
Upon our paths
To go forth and conquer
In Your Name.
Give us the abundance of Your goodness and mercy
Which endures forever.
Grant us this day
According to Your divine riches and glory
The fortitude to press on
Toward the prize of the high calling
In Christ.

Fashion us makers of men
And partakers of the generous cup of life
As a testament
To the new covenant of hope and love
From the heavens above to the depths of the sea
For all the world to see.
Give us,
According to Your great power and might,
Mighty warrior spirits to courageously
Take up the sword
And plow through,
Up, and against
The fortresses of hopelessness and abandonment.

Teach us the way of Your righteousness
Shrouded in the energies of agape
And the song of the day
That speaks to the heart of men
To gather in the sheaves
For such a time as this -
As we enter into the kingdom principles set forth
By Your Voice into the darkness
To come,
And be light for the living.

Help us to see more clearly Your wonder-working Hand
Upon the land which the Lord our God has given to us –
To be witnesses arising on the horizon
Gathering in the east
For the Tabernacles Feast.
Bless us with Your good and perfect will
Which endows us “the overcomers reward”
As the sons of God
Prepared before the foundation of the heavens and the earth.
Make way
The prepared day of life everlasting
As the old is passing.
Let Thy will be done
O Lord
Our strength and our Redeemer.
Bless Your Name
In the highest reign.

Let this prayer be heard around the globe.
And dear Lord
Give heed
To the planted seed;
Let it be unto us as
Thou have spoken.



  1. What beautiful words! They bring such calm and inspiration to me as I start this Monday afternoon :)

  2. I know that only God in you can you make a Monday so beautiful.
