The poetry and writings of Ruth with the purpose of giving voice to the challenges we face on the road to enlightenment and transformation
God “being” Father Son is not 3 entities.
God is One and The Same.
“Being” The Divine Creator.
Father- to- Son as in the birthing from The Father of the Son.
It was God Himself in
The Divine Person of The Son descended upon the earth “being” Son begotten of Father.
The Holy Spirit is the ascended Christ The Son, The Redeemer
“being” The Divine Spirit seeded into the Son’s Spirit, or the Spirit of The Son -
to give witness, to guide, to instruct the elevated/revelation consciousness
into the transformation of sonship as we are/were -
having been birthed from God - our Father/Mother
re-united into the fold we were in our original birth beholden.
For those of us who have risen/raised/elevated in consciousness
to see to acknowledge to recognize and have received Christ,
He is within... in the fullness of God, The Divine Mind (within others He is as a seed),
He is our source complete.
It is not what we do of/as ourselves but it is The Holy Spirit doing and undoing.
It IS “His” work “being” done.
A work in progress, yes,
nevertheless the seed is planted in the fullness of Christ “being” and “to be.”
Christ within -
to rid of the diseased (body and mind), infections (body and mind) and imperfections
by The ALL-Mighty Sword of The Spirit
Who IS Able to do all that we can think or ask.
Christ within is a fortress and a tower.
We must know this... God works through all that has been planted upon the earth...
it was/is His doing.
All that is planted by our Farmer God
is all the sources of God to teach to grow to enlighten to stand to be as He.
Fight through with the Sword of His Word...
“I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me.”
When we speak even of truth and light
(which can stand alone and reign),
it is two bearing witness which empowers the energy of the words’ release into the living mass.
In giving voice in prayer of The Lord’s Prayer,
given to us by The Divine Mind Being The Highest Energy
equaling The Highest Mind and Highest Matter,
it is when two (or more, gathered in The Upper Room in agreement of The Light,
it unfolds The Glory,
even as The Glory IS Being The Glory!
It is The Lesson being taught that bears the witness of the two, or more, in agreement,
as in the transfiguration on the mountain
as The Christ Light appeared before the two disciples
having been chosen and called up to be as witnesses of the lesson.
The Truth and The Light is energy...
the witnesses are the bearers transferring to the the mass,
and that two, or more, are called to be in agreement...
well... because that's The Way."
the word "amen" means "so be it" -
which makes for empowerment of the lesson.
Unconditional love—
Not subject to any special terms or conditions
Does not require doing or giving anything
It’s absolute
No matter what happens
Not determined or influenced by someone or anything else
Complete and unlimited
I love you just as you are
No matter who you are
God’s Love Is Unconditional -
It is pure - free from what impairs, weakens; not mixed or diluted with circumstantial infusions; complete and absolute.
It is Divine Grace Grace Grace - unmerited favor
When I think of our anointed words — “We shall overcome,” it is unconditional love which shall sway the day
I add another whole-some ingredient:
As you unconditionally love others, love yourself
"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities,
nor things impending and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth,
nor anything else in "all creation" will be able to separate us from the love of God
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord," Romans 8:38-39
Remember this: God is love. And God's love endures forever... in all times, in all seasons,
in all places, in all of us...unconditional